
Portion Control

a guest post from a good friend who has lost 35 lbs. in the past 4 months from adding PORTION CONTROL to her daily workouts!!!  She is a mommy of two, works, and still finds time to make it happen. Way to go Erin M.  and thanks for sharing :)  

Portion control can be one of the biggest challenges when trying to live a healthier lifestyle. Most of us eat very unbalanced diets focusing on the wrong types and amounts of food. Here are some tips to make portion control a little easier:

1.) Pay attention to serving sizes, and then measure out exactly what you are going to eat. Measuring cups and measuring spoons will become your best friend. A food scale is also a great thing to have, it really helps in weighing out those meat portions. You can also have the butcher at a grocery store weigh your meat out in the portions you would like and then they are all ready for you at meal time.

2.) Before putting your food on the plate, divide the plate in half. Fruits and veggies on one half, and the other half should be equally divided between your protein and grains.

(Note: whole grains and complex carbs take longer for the body to break down, are typically healthier, and make you feel fuller longer)

3.) Try eating on a smaller plate. From a visual standpoint, it will seem like you are getting to eat more or at least just as much.

4.) Drink a glass of water before every meal. 

5.) Fill up on veggies and fruit first when you are eating. They make you feel full and really get your digestive system working. 

(Tip: try adding a small salad to your dinner each evening and eat it will be surprised how you start to feel full in the middle of you meal.)

6.) Snack size Ziploc bags and small food storage containers are great for keeping your snacks in....again they are visually appealing.

The key to healthy eating is truly portion control and good food choices. Hope you find these tips helpful.



I have been on and off again with Shakeology for the past three years.  I tried it once before I was pregnant.  I tried it after I had Haylie.  I quit both times because I wasn't seeing the results I expected, and was trying to save money. Well the truth is...I wasn't combining it with eating well and exercising.   This time, my third time, I have combined it with clean eating and beachbody fitness programs, and I'm kicking butt!!!  I've lost 18 lbs in 4 months, and am feeling amazing.  I guess it's true what they say...third time's the charm!!!  

I love shakeology for the following reasons: (1) it's quick and easy, (2) curves my appetite all day, (3) gives me energy, (4) makes my hair and nails grow fast, (5) gives me my essential nutrients for the day, and (6) keeps me regular.  

Before shakeology, I used to have bathroom emergencies.  My stomach would knot up just thinking about whether there was a bathroom in sight at any given moment.  I found myself avoiding going out in public with my daughter in case I had to do a mad dash to the bathroom.  But since I have been using it daily for four months, drinking my water, and eating healthy, I don't have that problem anymore.    

So giving up shakeology for the cost, is no longer worth the life I have gained from what it gives me.  I can find other things to cut back on before I cut back on this healthy habit!!!  

Are you in need of the right kickstart for your day or do you have tummy problems like I did?!?!?  

contact me!!!

I can help you start enjoying life, and put you in a group of others who are on their way to ending the trend of obesity!!!

Countdown to Summer...6 Week Challenge

So excited!!!! Starting my first 6 week challenge tomorrow!!! Normally these groups are only if your purchase a beachbody product but I'm so excited to share my experience and make a difference that I'm opening it up to anyone who wants to be healthy!!!

Workouts have been amazing!!!  Including my 100 crunches a day challenge with my girls back home! I've also been tacking on 10 push ups after each workout :)  

Feeling great!  

Feeling motivated!!! Loving life this week :)  


Pump and Combat...bringing the gym to MY house!

Back in Illinois, before being a wife, and before being a mommy...a group of girls had talked me into doing these morning workouts at the gym.  I am NOT a morning person so just getting out of bed was the hardest part!!!  Not to mention getting out of bed on Illinois WINTER mornings!!!!  However, I started going, and it didn't take me long to realize that on the days that I got out of bed early (technically getting less sleep), I had more energy because I was getting my day started right!  

I continued on this trend for about 2 years of going to the gym and rotating mornings of a cardio class (Step or Combat) and then a weight training class (Body Pump).  Body pump has been my all time favorite class ever.  I love feeling sore the next day and I'm not a huge cardio fan.  Throughout the past 8 years, I have also had one home workout video that I have stuck with it.  Guess what it was... a weight lifting class too!.  The workout video was Turbo Sculpt from the Turbo Jam Series.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE this workout.  You get cardio and weight training all at once.   So anyway, back to the classes at the gym.  Body pump was awesome.  Great music, easy but challenging moves, and I felt STRONG!!!  Combat was a little more difficult.  I was huffing and puffing but also the moves took awhile to learn.  I kind of gave up on that one :(  

Well, three years ago, I got married, we moved to Hawaii, and then I had my baby girl (who is just about to turn 2).  I couldn't go to the gym because I didn't have common time with the husband to where he could watch her for me.  So I had to find a way to get my workouts in again.  I kept trying to diet and do my workouts at home or go on walks with the kid, but I just couldn't stay motivated.  I would be good for like 2 weeks and then I would relapse bad!!!  Christmas came this year, my family came to visit, and lots of pictures were taken.  I saw those pictures and it hurt.  It was hard to see what had become of me, but more importantly I felt MISERABLE!!!  I was tired, angry, stressed, lazy, unmotivated, temperamental, etc.  A friend of mine had given me Insanity last year, and Darin and I completed about 3 weeks of it and then he gave up so I gave up.  I used to drink shakeology, but never while eating well and working out.  I was approached by another military spouse about getting back on board with Beachbody, and doing the triple threat:  Insanity, Shakeology, and eating clean! (Oh and by the a military spouse you get to sign up to be a coach for free, which don't freak out you don't have to actually coach but you get this amazing discount!!!)

 So I joined a Beachbody 12 week challenge and did the Insanity program.  Along with the challenge we were placed in a facebook group that helped us be accountable.  I would say that was a huge part of my success this time.  My husband and friends supported me at first which was awesome, but you know how life is...their lives went different directions and they weren't solely focused on my success.  It was at that point when I became really really thankful for my facebook group.  These girls became my friends (and not just on facebook).  We leaned on each other.  I knew if I let me down, I was letting them down.  So I continued on through the journey.  30 days came around and I was pretty darn excited about my improvement.  I lost about 10 lbs in the first 3 weeks.  I think a lot of that came from drinking water and cutting back on sodium.  (I'll go into my nutrition details on another day because that is a whole other story!!!)

So I continued on my journey, and after 30 days I started losing my umph!  I had crossed into month two of Insanity and let me tell you it was like everyone else's excuses around me were motivating me even more!  I kicked some butt!!!  I was doing push ups and moving planks and power jumps and v-push ups!  It was IN-SANE!!!  So needless to say I was pretty disappointed when the weight stopped disappearing.  I know I know...weight isn't everything, and I know muscles weighs more than fat.  I am a girl, and I can't help but want the scale to say a number I like!  So then came 60 day pictures.  

I was pretty much on my own on this point.  What kept me going is I kept telling myself that I could NOT have yet another great big idea that I didn't follow through with, so I pushed on.  Each day I made myself push play.  Each time I cheated on food, I let the guilt upset me enough to not do it again, but I didn't let it break my stride.  I had to come to terms with the TRUTH about my nutrition.  This is when it happened.  I finally broke that weight wall!!!  I was officially "skinnier" than I had been since I was pregnant two years ago!  Now I felt motivated.  I had big dreams, and kept pushing.  Insanity had started to wear on my legs (I probably should have take a break before I started in on round 2 of it.)  So I pulled out all my workout videos and I just started mixing it up!  It was about doing any workout and making it challenging and digging deep.  

90 Days arrived and I felt good.  I'm 17 lbs down, and I proved to myself that I was going to follow through with this new lifestyle.  So I financially committed to two new workout programs.  Remember those gym workouts I loved 3 years ago but had to quit because I didn't have the time or money.  Well, guess what?!?!?!...Beachbody is the maker of those classes, and I know own them and can do them in my very own home!  I spent about the equivalent of two months gym membership on these workouts that will last me a lifetime!!!  So want to talk about saving money!!!! 

If at any point of my journey you could relate, let me know!  I want to bring you into my journey and make it your journey too!!!  I want to share the life that I have regained by bettering my health.  I want to show you tricks that worked for me to make this a lifestyle and not a diet.  I want to help you lose that weight and regain your confidence in a healthy way that's not going to make you crash and burn later.  Join my journey and by letting me help you, you are helping me!  That's a pretty awesome feeling don't you think?!?!?!  

Thankful Tuesdays

Happy Tuesday everyone!!! Sometimes in our fitness journeys we get so focused on where we still need to go that we lose track of what we have to be thankful for!!! So for today..tuesday...let's be thankful...Thankful Tuesday!!!

What are you thankful for?!?!?

I am thankful for this opportunity to stay home with Haylie and focus on my health before I get any older or have another kid. The choices I am making this year are giving me more life. I feel present in our days now. I have energy to chase her, and make her laugh!!! And for that, I give thanks!!!


Crossing the Finish Line

Today was the final day of the challenge!!!  I have seen a huge change this past week.  Up until now my clothes were fitting better, I had more energy, I felt healthier, but it felt like the scale was stuck on that one weight!!!  Three weeks ago (I think?!?!?!), I finally dropped below that weight plateau of 180 lbs.  It gave me motivation but then it continued to stay at that weight for the next three weeks.  With Easter this past weekend, and my hubby passing his PT test (which always leads to a very unhealthy meal celebration), I told myself I wasn't going to get on the scale.  I was going to just work really hard the next two weeks and not let that bad week throw me off and lose my motivation.  Well, I was moving the scale today and decided I would just get on it.  To my surprise, I dropped another two pounds!!!  So 17 pounds total on this 12 week journey!!!  Woo hoo!!!

Also tonight, I crossed another milestone...I fit into another pair of pre-baby clothes.  I have been trying on a pair of jeans for the past twelve weeks, and tonight...they zipped, and with no muffin top!!!  When I started I couldn't even get them up over my hips!  This just goes to show that i was always giving up on my healthy habits before I gave them time to show improvements.  This is the first time I stuck with it beyond frustration point of seeing no results.  I wanted to give up a million times, but I just did one day at a time, and before I knew it, I had created a habit.  Then before I knew it again, it had been 12 weeks!!!

Well, sorry for all the !!! but gosh darn it...I'm excited!!!!!!!!

Stay tuned because the new me is just getting started!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!