
Contemplations of Motivation

The story is all too typical; all too familiar. How many of us do the same thing over and over?
We dream a wonderful dream. We want it so bad that we can taste it. It can be exhilerating and inspiring to contrive the dream. When we break it down into steps and goals in attempt to bring it to fruition is when it becomes daunting.

Have you ever stopped to wonder why we come up with so many excuses and allow them to get in between us and our dreams?

I was watching The Vampire Diaries today while I was contemplating what to write for Kristen's request. The main character almost allowed the love of her life to slip through her fingers; to be lost forever. All on account of fear. As I watched her sieze what she wanted, it struck me that this is all I must do as well.

I cannot allow the fear of faillure or change to impede my progress. Every time that I see myself making up excuses for not doing what needs to be done, I must realize what is truly happening. I must once more resolve within my heart to keep pushing and not fear my own dreams, no matter how impossible they may seem at the moment.

I am reminded of a quote from a movie (A Cinderella Story) that I would like to share with you in closing.

"Do not let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game."

Guest post by Bridget J.  

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