Kristen's Journey |
In January, I decided I needed to do something different with my life. I was tired, moody, and the heaviest I have ever been. Of course it affected everyone around me too especially my husband and daughter. Being a stay at home mom and my husband working night shift for the air force, I found it very easy to just stay at home. Luckily, I woke up one day and realized that something needed to change and that I was cheating myself and my daughter out of this beautiful life here in hawaii!
So I joined a Beachbody Challenge group. I started clean eating, drinking shakeology, and I did Insanity for the second attempt, but this time I DID IT!!! I lost 10 lbs in the first month, and then my weight kind of plateaued. I noticed the rest of my weight slowly fall over the followings months, but what kept me going was the support of my groups and also feeling a difference in my energy levels, my happiness, and my clothes!!!
Currently I am doing another round of Insanity. I just finished month 1 and am doing recovery week mixed in with some Island adventures including hiking up to a beautiful ocean view of a lighthouse!! I can feel my body changing again, and all though the numbers on the scale are not really budging again, it's okay. I know I'm being healthy, and the weight will come off if I just keep with it!!!
When I first started this journey, I kept focusing on becoming one of those "Before & After" photos. I never thought it would take me this long, and that has caused me a lot of frustration at times and temptation to give up, but again these accountability groups have kept me going! So as I continue on my journey I'm reaching out to others and trying to help them make this lifestyle change too!
Being a teacher myself, I know how hard the summer months can be. So many plans, and so little time. You would think we would have all the time in the wold to workout, but knocking of a to-do list, time just seems to slip by. So instead, let's focus on Clean Eating and Shakeology. Mark your calendars for July 15, and join me as we do a 30 day Challenge - Schools out for the Summer.
If you are interested please contact me @